This is the first time I'm prepared colouring books for my brothers. I collect all the contents from the Internet and printed it on white papers.
I don't have mood when I'm doing it (Friday evening). But still, I need to complete it asap before going back to my hometown (Friday night). If not, how am I suppose to give it to my brothers? Mail? Hehe.. I wanted to see their reaction having their colouring books (which I made it). Love you'll...
These are the coloring books that I've completed.
The transformers is for Hafiz who is 10 years old while the blues clues is for Dayat who is 5 years old.

1) Prepare your colouring pages
Make sure it is printed on a good quality papers. Reason? Because some kids:
- Like to colour, erase, colour, erase, colour, erase until they satisfied.
- Like to add water to their colours.
- Colour with full effort and energy
- Have sweating hands
2) Choose your covers
Place it at the front and back of your colouring page
(PS: Lighting was bad as I did it at the family hall... hehehe watching tv)

3) Make a hole on it
4) Tie it and your colouring book is complete.
You can design the covers depending on your theme and creativity.
5) Miss Lazy-Mya way of completing the cover.
5.1) Print the design for cover

5.2) Cut it into separate pieces and glued it on colouring papers

5.2) Glued in on the cover into the original design... and it will look like below pic :)
PS: Hafiz and Dayat love it a lot.
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