Jun 28, 2012

Sharpie Permanent Marker

I love Sharpie Permanent Marker. It's lots of fun colours , can be used at any bases and it's super cheap.

I got mine at Pustaka Rawang , Putrajaya.


Jun 27, 2012

My Own Mod Podge


Finally I got my own Mod Podge at Art.Friend

by M

Jun 24, 2012

Create Facebook Cover With PicMonkey


For those who use Facebook (FB), you will aware about Facebook Cover. It's the header of our FB account. Usually people will upload/choose their picture from FB and aligned it accordingly to the Facebook Cover spec size.

What if we do something different and special? The easiest way that I wanted to share here is by using PicMonkey Collage. FYI PicMonkey provide collage with correct FB Cover size. Furthermore, it's for FREE and FUN!

My FB Cover
(Click at the picture for a clearer view)
1. Go to PicMonkey website here.
2. Choose Create a Collage

3. Choose Collage Layouts and then choose FB Cover. Select any collage layout according to your preference.

4. Choose Images and then select Upload. Upload your pictures and it will be placed at the left side of the website. Click at the selected picture and drag it into the picture box.

5. Once done, save the collage to your PC.

Tadaaaa.... it's so easy to have a great FB Cover.

What are you waiting for? Just head over to PicMonkey and give it a try!

Sharing is Caring

by M

Jun 23, 2012

Decorating my iPhone Case with MT


Currently I'm a little bit obsessed with MT and always thinking so hard on how to use it. So this time, I'm decoring my iPhone 4 case with my own MT :)

Image edited with Picasa and PicMonkey

Image from my Instagram. Captured and edited with Camera+

Horay.. I'm not sure this is related or not but I successfully transform my messy-storing-room to a more tidy room. This is the room that I stored all my books and crafting tools and materials. And it's messy! After a year, my books become yellowish and I think that I shall unpack it all. I don't have a bookshelf yet. Thus I used three boxes and arrange it to look like a horizontal book shelf. :) It's look like I'm having a picnic. I need to find a center flower for the indoor picnic sheet asap. :) Love it!



by M

Jun 22, 2012

Sunbathing by Kelsey Garrity Riley

Just thinking about having a good framed pictured and hang in my bathroom. And this printed illustration is really great (introduce by Creature Comforts here).


Jun 21, 2012

iPhone App: Goodreads


Have you heard about Goodreads? Well, if you love books you may notice about this social books group. I've heard about it but never care to join the services. Somehow today I register and happily engaged with Goodread.

Official website: http://www.goodreads.com/
App for iPhone (free): http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/goodreads/id355833469?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D6

With Goodreads, you can add books, reviews, and update your reading progress. Apart from that, you can add best quote from your reading. What best is that we can choose a lot of publication for every book we add (as long as there is any other member add the publication book).

Like other social website, you can add profile picture, add friend, follow other members, feeds of your following and friends and so on.

This is how it's look in our profile. 

From our collections, the website can recommend suitable books for us. Higher recommendation from the website to me according my registered books are Classics, Crime and Fiction & Fantasy. After registering all my books then I realised that I have read so many classic books. Well actually, it's my current obsession especially with Sherlock Holmes series.


Do you wonder how I manage to add most of our book in a day? Because the app allow us to add book by scanning the bar code. Once scanned, the app will search the correct book and we can add it to our account. How fantastic is that! :)

Anyway, if you like to follow or add me as friend, just click at 'Currently Reading Book' at bottom-right of this blog. It will bring you to my account.

Sharing is caring :)

Just discovered that Goodreads too has e-book for classic collection and it's free :)

by M
Miss Mya
Cempaka's Art and Craft

Jun 19, 2012

Cool Printstagram


For those who has Instagram and actively snapping and sharing picture, Prinstagram is absolutely a great service for you.

With Printstagram, we can print our Instagram pictures and picture that we liked too. The price is reasonable and seem in a very good quality. I'm in between of these two options i.e. either Square Prints or Mini Book. Which one?

Delivery only $6 (cheaper than MNG delivery that is RM40)

All images are from Printstagram

by M

Jun 17, 2012

Modern Baju Kurung with Ruffles


As per my previous (long time ago) here, I really want to add ruffles to my baju kurung.

Ruffles Skirt Tutorial here

As mentioned in the same posting, I'm really frustrated since the appointed tailor said it was impossible to do the ruffles and he said that it does not suitable for baju kurung. But tadaaaaaaaaaaaa.... I found a tailor who used to sew a wedding dress and she said that the design was totally gorgeous. 

Even, her neighbors said it was so cute and made a request to sew the same baju kurung for them.  

Ps: For those who wanted to do this ruffles too, please ensure your baju kurung top is shorter i.e. above the knee. So that you will look taller. FYI, when we add the ruffles horizontally, it will make you look shorter than your actual height. And of course it will make you look fatter. :) So, beware of the ruffles effect.

I'm requesting for a cotton button from the same fabric to make it more fancy

This picture was taken during my sister-in-law wedding :)

Anyway, if you want the same design, just print images from this posting and bring it over to your tailor. It's easy to tell them with pictures. If you have made it, share it here :)

Sharing is caring!

by M
Miss Mya

ps: share this blog and follow me :)

My MT Tape from Japan


Here are my masking tape ordered and delivered from Japan. I love it so much. Ok noted that I have two more patterns but somehow it miss out during the photo shoot session. Refer to previous posting at here for the missing two patterns.

These are two decorative tapes from Japan too.

Apart from that, I got more gifts from my friend. It's a chopstick and cookies! Hooray!

Happy mode activated

by M
Miss Mya

Jun 16, 2012

Ideas On How To Use Japanese Masking Tape

Click here for tutorial original posting

Click here for original posting

Click here for original posting
ps: it's a magnet

Click here for original posting

Click here for original posting

Click here for original posting

Click here for original posting

Click here for original posting

Click here for original posting

Jun 15, 2012

Free Wedding iPhone Wallpaper/Monogram


I've discovered a new free templates for wedding that is wedding wallpaper for iPhone at Wedding Chicks. Click here for the free templates.

They have 16 free designs and all of it are beautiful. Designs appear at this posting is what I love most. Currently I'm using the above pattern for my iPhone Lock Screen. So cute...even when I'm already married. Hihihi..

You can choose different colour combination for each design. I love Perfect Pink, Mint, Peach Blossom and Ciladon.

Apart from that, the website allow you to create a Wedding Monogram instead of an iPhone Wallpaper. So cooooool.


To accompany my Lock Screen, I use Cuptakes Pink Chevron as a Home Screen. Now everything is pinkish. :)

Sharing is caring

by M